About Us
The Wyre Forest Society was founded in October 1974 with the objective of conserving and preserving the Wyre Forest and surrounding countryside as a whole together with its fauna, flora and associated amenities, traditions and industries which make the area special.
We do this by meeting regularly with the woodland owners including the Forestry Commission where we have the chance to comment on future plans.
We also regard it as important to encourage the general public to help care for and protect the forest and its surroundings, including the natural history, vernacular architecture, forestry and forest crafts. We do this by arranging indoor talks in the winter months and outdoor meetings throughout the year to which everyone, whether members or not, are welcome.
We have founded an arboretum in the forest, which holds a collection of native and exotic trees. We have extended this by planting many varieties of sorbus trees, some of which are now rare, as a complement to the Whitty Pear (Sorbus domestica) for which the forest is famous. We carry out practical conservation work in the arboretum and in the wider forest, improving habitat for many of the scarce species, which are still to be found in the forest.